Author: admin

  • The Gender Gap

    I have known about the gender gap in computer science since before I had even taken a computer science course. I will say as a female, a feeling I have had more than once in my time taking classes in CS is “oh no, there are going to be so many males in this class,…

  • The End of Programming?

    This blog post will discuss my thoughts on the article “The End of Programming” by Matt Welsh linked here… Welsh expressed that he full heartedly believes that AI will take over the world of programming, and the way we teach up and coming computer scientists is going to be completely different in even the…

  • Impostor Syndrome

    Impostor syndrome is the mindset that you feel like a fraud in your field, thinking you aren’t as good as people might think you are. Most of the time though, people that suffer from imposter syndrome are well accomplished and may hold higher roles in their community. Around 70% of people will experience imposter syndrome…

  • Coding Conventions

    Coding Convention – a collection of rules, formatting suggestions or methods for various aspects for a programming language. Benefits of a team adhering to a coding convention include similar coding styles in the project, faster and easier understanding of others code, and less room for error when combining code. When working alone though, it is…

  • Hello world!

    I first started programing in junior year of high school, when I took a course on C++. My favorite thing about programming, is having a goal for exactly what I want my program to do for me, and then having the satisfaction of being able to make it do exactly that, knowing that I accomplished…
